Looking for a cute but eco conscious stuffed doll for a special child in your life, look no
further. At Makika Stylz, we work to put a smile on children’s faces by making stuffed dolls
using assorted waste from fabric scraps, yarns, ribbons and buttons using different doll
making techniques. Stuffed toys are usually a child’s first best friend.
Looking for a cute but eco conscious stuffed doll for a special child in your life, look no further. At Makika Stylz, we work to put a smile on children’s faces by making stuffed dolls using assorted waste from fabric scraps, yarns, ribbons and buttons using different doll making techniques. Stuffed toys are usually a child’s first best friend.
Looking for a cute but eco conscious stuffed doll for a special child in your life, look no further. At Makika Stylz, we work to put a smile on children’s faces by making stuffed dolls using assorted waste from fabric scraps, yarns, ribbons and buttons using different doll making techniques. Stuffed toys are usually a child’s first best friend.
Looking for a cute but eco conscious stuffed doll for a special child in your life, look no further. At Makika Stylz, we work to put a smile on children’s faces by making stuffed dolls using assorted waste from fabric scraps, yarns, ribbons and buttons using different doll making techniques. Stuffed toys are usually a child’s first best friend.
Looking for a cute but eco conscious stuffed doll for a special child in your life, look no further. At Makika Stylz, we work to put a smile on children’s faces by making stuffed dolls using assorted waste from fabric scraps, yarns, ribbons and buttons using different doll making techniques. Stuffed toys are usually a child’s first best friend.